Negative Political Advertising

Negative Political Advertising
Partisan Faceoff

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Benedetto Interview

Professor Richard Benedetto spoke with Elizabeth and Rob about his views on negative political advertising. Watch the interview to find out what he had to say!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Benedetto Looks at Swiftboat Anti- John Kerry Veteran Ads of 2004

This video clip is from the 2004 election - the commercial was produced by the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth and is an attack on John Kerry about his service in the military. The commercial is followed by commentary from AU SOC professor and former White House correspondent, Richard Benedetto.

The Nature of Negative Political Ads

Think You Knew How Negative Political Ads were made, Think Again...

And in today's races

Top 10 Political Ads Video.

Hello Readers, Internet Surfers, and Politicos:
  Here is a video to make you laugh. The content may be real, it may be fake... but nevertheless, these political ads are ridiculous. Is this the best way to oust the competition?  You decide.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hello Readers. Below are some graphs that Elizabeth and I constructed using data from a "Scripps Howard / Ohio University Poll" via
Polling the Nations (
  • The data explores different avenues of political advertising and the electorate's perception of the recent presidential election candidates. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Harry and Louise

  • Below is a political advertisement titled "Harry and Louise," it was featured in the 1993 political campaign. It's purpose was to lead the insurance industry's campaign against the Clinton health plan. The ad was paid for by the Coalition for Health Insurance Choices.
The strategy it uses to discount the democratic candidate (Clinton)  focuses on the impact of the bill.
    For more Information please visit Source Watch...

Here is the youtube link for another more recent 2008 "Harry and Louise" Ad  
2008 Harry and Louise Return

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hello all,

Thanks for stopping by our blog. It's an awesome page dedicated to examining negative political advertising. Oh, Don't you worry there is much more exciting content to come.
